Is Your Marketing Strategy Dead


If you’re a business owner, then there’s every chance that you’re pretty sick of hearing about marketing and advertising strategies, but ignore them at your own risk: marketing really is just as important as everyone keeps telling you it is. In fact, it’s probably even more important than that. If you’re not dedicating a significant portion of your capital into marketing, then it might be about time to redirect it into marketing and breathe new life into your campaigns.

Knowing What’s Hot

The experts know what’s going to happen in the near future because they study the trends, and so should you, because it’ll give you a head start on everybody else. If you know that Facebook advertising is set to boom in 2017, then that’s where you’ll be advertising this year. Similarly, if you had been paying attention to the forecasters who announced that video traffic would account for the vast majority of internet traffic, then you would be investing in high quality videos for your website. It’s not too late to incorporate either of these trends into your campaign, and in the new future do your best to stay abreast of what’s happening.

All on your Mobile

The high levels of smartphone use is not a blip. We repeat: IT IS NOT A BLIP. More and more internet interaction is coming through mobile devices, and it shows no signs of easing up. If your campaign isn’t specifically focused on capturing mobile internet users, then you’re missing out on too many users for your strategy to be effective.  

Adapting Past Ideas

There’s a school of thought that says traditional marketing is dead altogether, but that’s simply not the case. Traditional marketing – specifically offline marketing – can be very effective, but it has to be executed using modern methods. For example, if you were sending fliers to homes, then sending to all homes would be a colossal waste of resources; however, sending to specific homes using data you’ve acquired would be effective.

Exploring New Ideas

The virtue and curse of modern marketing is that it’s always in flux. The remedy to success that is so effective right now might not be as effective in a year’s time from now. Consequently, your marketing strategy will always be dead if you’re not willing to have an agile approach wherein you explore new marketing ideas – and taking a few risks in the process. Be bold: if you’re making the most of the big data that’s all around you, you’ll get it more often than not.

The Modern Customer

We talk about marketing in pretty abstract terms, but never forget at the base level it’s all about person: the customer. The only thing that every customer has in common is that they’re all individuals, and you should be treating them as such. Companies in the good old days could be forgiven for having one approach for all because they didn’t have access to the type of information you have access to. Their interests and desires are different to your company’s, and your marketing should reflect that.


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