Emotional Storytelling Is The New Business Success


Everyone loves a good story, regardless of how old people are. Stories are the way that human beings have found to communicate wisdom and remember events of life. As a result storytelling is a skill that attracts people, keeps the mind awake and engraves itself in our memories. You never forget a good story, while you may forget a lesson or a speech. The power of storytelling goes well beyond simple communication. Indeed, when you tell a story, you share more than an event or a situation. You create a series of emotions for your audience to identify with. It’s not Cinderella we like; it’s the story of the poor little girl who is abused by her family and who falls in love with the prince. Whether she is called Cinderella, Sally, or even Imogen doesn’t matter to people. Her emotional journey is what we cherish. And this is exactly why storytelling is a powerful tool for businesses.

What Is Emotional Storytelling

Storytelling is the power to move people along a journey through someone’s life. Emotional storytelling takes it a little further as it sparks emotions to intuitively overrule the rational side of your audience. As people bond emotionally with a character – whether fictional or real – they can make sense of the things that a business does in a different light. Expedia is working very tightly with storytellers so that it’s not about booking your flights anymore, but it is how Expedia could make someone’s dream possible. This form of communication is inspiring and seems to show the greater picture of life by zooming closely onto the details.

Share Your Story With Others

But at the core of a good storytelling strategy, there is the need to have the right tools for it. This means that businesses need to improve their online presence, making themselves not only easy to find online but also easy to understand – here’s a keyword for you: User Experience. As a result, web design is the keystone of successful storytelling – click here to find a list of the top design agencies – as it will enable users to interact directly with your story and to part of it. Interactive designs, videos and friendly and clear layouts are not only marketing tools to make a website look attractive. They are the digital tools that tell your story and therefore need to be trusted to professionals.

Why It Works

The main question that business owners need to ask themselves is: Why does storytelling work as a business tool? Or to put it in other words, why do people want to engage emotionally with a business? The primary reason is that stories are an integral part of human culture. They were once used to share wisdom. Their purpose evolved when they came into the marketing world, but they continue to convey a message through emotions. Emotions are powerful because, in the way the human mind is wired, it remembers how others make them feel and connects at a deeper level to feelings. Knowing how to create an effective message that promotes your brand while connecting to the human element is key to modern marketing. You might have noticed that several brands are trying to create powerful stories by using toddlers to create an emotional connection. While this method is a little weak – as it has been used too often – it’s an effective way to touch the emotional string in users.


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