4 Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before Making That Hire


If you’re thinking of hiring somebody new, there are a few questions you need to ask yourself first. You might think you’re making a great decision, but doing things like this quickly isn’t a good idea. You need to make sure you have plenty of time to mull it over. Here are 4 questions in particular that are important when hiring somebody new:

1. Do I Really Need To make This Hire?

Hiring somebody can save time and make your business more money. However, hiring an official employee isn’t always necessary. You could outsource work, hire somebody temporarily, or look into other methods of getting the job done. When you hire somebody, you have responsibilities and another mouth to feed.

2. What Am I Basing This Hire On?

There are a few things you may need to base your hire on. Qualifications aren’t everything, unless you work in a regulated industry and this person absolutely must have the right qualifications. In some cases, you could simply hire somebody smart with a great attitude and train them on the job. Know what’s really important.

3. Do They Fit The Company Culture?

Any new hire should fit your company culture perfectly. However, you shouldn’t look over red flags just because somebody matches your culture. Be smart.

4. Do I Have Any Unaddressed Doubts?

Make sure you’re aware of anything questionable that’s making you feel uneasy internally. If you think something needs to be addressed, look into it ASAP. If you don’t, you could end up with one of the following outlined in the infographic:

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