In business, you won’t ever be able to find success on your own. Of course, you may become a household name, and your business may be internationally renowned – and that is on you – but it’s not something that you can achieve alone. Because you will always need a team around you to get things done. Even if you’re a great innovator or a great marketer, or you can write really well, you won’t be good at everything. And in business, if you’re going to go far, you have to make sure that every business area is covered off expertly. So, you need people. You need the best people around you to help you create your product or service it, get it in front of your customer, and then keep those customers happy. And if you’re not exactly sure how you’re going to do that just yet, you will by the end of this post. Let’s take a look at the people you need around you to grow your business.
- An Accountant
We’ve started off with an accountant. But really, this could be any kind of financial expert – maybe a bookkeeper or a finance manager. Either way, you need someone to be keeping an eye on your finances at all time. Yes, this is definitely something that you should be doing, but you won’t want to be doing it at all times, as you’re trying to run your business too. Your accountant should be tracking where you are financially, and can give you the advice you need to ensure that your business is being smart when it comes to revenue and profits.
- A Sales Person
Next, you need someone in sales. It’s easy to think that you can just handle this, but if you’re not a natural, you may be missing out on valuable sales. Just take a look at what Jozef Opdeweegh says about the factors you need for a successful sales team. You can definitely put this into practice with just one person to start with and the right support system in place. And then, when your business grows, you can expand from there.
- A Social Media Marketer
From here, you then need to be thinking about how you’re marketing this business. And if you don’t have time to go it yourself, you need to bring in support. Hire someone to execute your marketing strategy so that you always have content heading out on social.
- Customer Service Support
You know that your customers are the most important part of your business, so you absolutely need to have someone with the best customer service skills in place. If you don’t then, you may find it hard to hold onto any customers that you have.
- An Admin Assistant
Finally, when you’re busy trying to run the business, the last thing you want is to be worrying about admin or responding to emails. So make sure you hire someone that can help you out with this while you’re looking to push on with growth.