Before Monday April 15th FourSquare founder Dennis Crowley was looking forward to running the Boston Marathon with his girlfriend and family. They would take a quick jaunt up from New York, have a great time and get some great exercise. Obviously, as a co-founder of FourSquare, Crowley is a busy guy so he seemed to be looking forward to just having fun.
Also as co-founder of FourSquare he wanted to take advantage of their technology throughout the race. “I set up FourSquare to automatically check me in as I passed each mile marker”.
As the events of April 15th took a turn for the worst, Crowley was still informing his social media followers via FourSquare that everything was A-Ok. As we all know cell phone service was shut down, but luckily Crowley tells TechCrunch’s Colleen Taylor that he was able to get a few texts and tweets out.
Sure Crowey’s phone was still passing check points but people were worried about how he was actually doing.
Before Taylor and Crowley turned to talking about FourSquare and rumors of buyouts and their latest round of funding, they talked about the Boston Marathon. Check out our video below.
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