RIP Gowalla, Its Been Nice Knowing You

Three months after being acquired by Facebook and almost three years to the day of launching at SXSW GoWalla has finally closed up shop. Fitting that it finally did during SXSW in which it was launched at.

More after the break…

After receiving over $10 million in funding, and than in being acquired by Facebook just last December at a price in which could be even lower than investors put in. The price tag was never mentioned, as Jason Calacanis remarks echo this statement,

The actual result of the small amount of money I invested in Gowalla is that I’m getting back less in the form of Facebook shares.

With Facebook failing once at trying to get into the Check-In game which is now just Foursquare’s by its self for the time being, lets see if this talent acquisition will help them try again.


Source: The Next Web


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