First Online Pawn Shop Pawngo Named Start Up To Watch By Inc Magazine


Pawngo, the world’s first online pawn shop, has just been named one of the top 7 start-ups to watch in 2012 by

Pawngo takes the uneasiness out of going to a brick and mortar pawn shop to sell or get a loan on your wares for times when you really need the money. It also helps protect people who want to sell their stuff from the sketchiness that can come from back alley Craigslist deals.

When you get started with Pawngo you tell the website what you have to sell. They make an assessment of the item you are pawning and then they email you an offer. If you accept the offer than they mail you a FedEx label to send your item to them for free. After that you get your cash.

Pawngo is backed by Daylight Partners, Access Venture Partners, and LightBank.

Pawngo CEO Todd Hills said “The entire team at Pawngo is both proud and excited by Inc.’s announcement. It shows how far we have come with our hard work and dedication to revolutionizing the pawn industry. While we will enjoy the honor we have already began looking forward to 2012 and how we can continue our already stellar performance in the industry.”

Got something you want to pawn? Try it here 


CES 2012: Check Out Cubelets Robot Construction Kits For Kids By Modrobotics

The erector set has stepped into the next century with a new product by Mod Robotics called Cubelets. Cubelets are a modular building block robotic construction kit for kids.  Mod Robotics is targeting kids aged 8 and up but at they explain to us in the interview younger kids have enjoyed cubelets as well.

All kids like to start with putting blocks together. One of the reason brick blocks like Lego’s or Megablocks are so popular is because kids like “clicking” them together. Cubelets allows you to “click” together blocks like children are used to, however the nearly 30 different blocks are divided into three important categories Sense Blocks, Action Blocks and Think Blocks.

Some blocks have motorized wheels, others can be controlled by light, motion and proximity, while other blocks block communication.  Each block has a different function which allows the constructed robot to do different things.

As kids use the cubelets longer they realize what each block does and have come up with some wild stuff.

Check out the video for a brief description and to see Cubelets in action. This is actually one of the coolest things we saw at CES this year.


StartupBus Kick-Off Party July 8th in San Fran

What do you get when you add some beer, a bus, a bunch of hackers, pizza, coffee, Mountain Dew and ideas?  The Start Up Bus, why that’s what!

The StartupBus is the brain child of Elias Bizannes who thought if you throw a bunch of entrepreneurial minded hackers into a moving bus they could come up with excellence, and they have.  The start up bus started in 2010 as a half baked idea by Bizannes to take a bus full of likeminded individuals from the bay area to sxsw to launch their start ups.  Well apparently this idea caught on and people began to blog about it. This left Bizannes having to find a bus and actually do the trip.

Fast forward to 2011 and this time he had multiple buses from across the country all leave just before SXSW and launch their ideas at SXSW. The catch though, whatever was launched had to have been created on the bus.  The busriders formed teams after deciding on the project.  Some members would code the back end, some would code the front end. Other team members would jump on the phone with their colleagues, investors, friends and potential users to drum up excitement.

Sleep is evidently not an option. This is the mother of all hackathons on wheels.

Tomorrow StartupBus is launching the next phase of the start up bus at it’s new headquarters, the start up house.  If you’re in the bay area and a start up minded individual you can bet that the Start Up bus launch party will be worth checking out.  StartupBus has some very exciting news they will be sharing on site tomorrow night. If you can’t make it to the event check here Saturday morning!

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