Pinterest is one of the hottest social networks around. Most sites and analysis are suggesting that the pinboarding network is geared towards women. We reported earlier this week that America’s top man President Barack Obama has started using it.
Now Mayland’s Democratic Governor Martin O’Malley is using it as well. While Potus promises photos of the first family, including first dog BO, and Obama family recipes, O’Malley has something different.
Governor O’Malley is going to use his Pinterest page to promote homegrown startups. O’Malley is embarking on the first ever startup showcase pitch contest.
More after the break
The contest, which runs from now until April 30th is open to Maryland residents, Maryland students and Maryland businesses.
To enter go to Governor O’Malley’s official Pinterest Page. From there pick a category, either student entrepreneurs, or bootstrapping. Once you’ve selected a category you can post 10 original images that show off or describe your startup. There seems to be no restriction on the types images (of course keep them clean ). However there is nothing that says you can’t upload a combination of cool pictures and your pitchdeck slides.
The entries most be submitted by April 30th and of course you must own the copyright on them.
The state of Maryland has teamed up with Baltimore Angels to provide prizes for the contest. First place wins a brand new Macbook Pro. The second place winner receives a new iPad. The first place winner will also get featured on Governor O’Malley’s website.
Source: Baltimore Sun
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