Instagram For Android, Why Did We Even Need It?


Instagram for Android came out today, and by searching Twitter, you could find either utter stupidity in the hatred or joy that it’s finally on Android. Both views though are utterly stupid. For one, those iPhone users are idiots and need more proof just reread what was said above, or click on Twitter in the first sentence and just follow the stream of stupidity down to your local Apple store.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Instagram isn’t a “good” application, it’s just Android really never needed it. We have applications such as Paper Camera, puddling camera , Retro Camera Plus . Just to name a few. What Instagram did for the iPhone is something that has been done since Android first came out. Third party Camera applications with trendy filters that the camera couldn’t do on it’s own.

Why hasn’t this been done on iPhone before, who knows. Doesn’t make sense if you ask me. But with the release of Instagram today, the Apple iPhone world seems to have been turned upside down and they don’t know how to react. There beloved and only true application that hasn’t been ported over to Android crossed that line today. iPhone users can’t brag about one of around 15 different Android apps that, that one name is the only one we don’t have

Up until today I really didn’t care about Instagram, I’ve been using PicSay Plus, and others for the longest time, I never gave a shit about it coming to Android. Today though, I wish it never did. I wish iPhone users at lest the idiots who now should be called InstaIdiots never existed. This Tweet alone shows you how smart people these days are…

Uh, News Flash iPhone is the phone for Hipsters NOT Android users… While I hold no ill will towards iPhone users, I can’t understand the stupidity some are showing today. It goes back to the Tweets we saw during Christmas…


In closing dear iPhone InstaIdiots, Android users could careless about Instagram, we’ve had it years ago in other applications. The company who made the application wanted to come over. W


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    “20 years from now, we will all look back on our Instagram pics and wonder why we ruined so many perfectly good pictures” @nyscout:disqus 

    I’m afraid I have to agree with a pro photographer on that one.

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    I totally agree with you we (Android’s users) don’t need this app we have better options so all those fanboys can go to hell

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    Ummm youre callin us idiots but you dont know the difference between “there” and “their” or how to use them in a sentence. How about proof-read before you try to diss someone. On to the subject at hand instagram went from beverly hills to section 8 in marcy projects today. Nobody is mad yall got instagram but before today apple users had something that set us apart from regular photoshop pics now these android users are flooding instagram with pics of their children, citi-trends outfits and bill money. BYE!

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    Wow these apple fanboys are really foaming at the mouth about this. Do they honestly not realise how utterly pathetic it makes them look?? 

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    Hahahahaha!!! This is a great post. People are soooo ridiculous.  I’m excited for Instagram for Android not because of the filters – they aren’t that special in my opinion – but for the social media aspect. I like being able to follow my friend’s photos and share my own!

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