After almost a decade wait, Diablo III launched at midnight. It seems that after the launch happened and everyone got home, installed the game, and tried to launch it they were hit with the infamous Error 37. In Blizzard speak that means, “Our servers aren’t able to keep up with the demand.”
My question is how could they of not expected that to happen? This has been one of the most high profile PC launches in a long time. It seems the issue has been fixed though because I am finding less Error 37 messages, and more people playing the game.
Make sure to stay tuned here on Nibletz as I will be writing a full review of the game as I have the game in my hands and will be playing it all night long.
UPDATE: It seems that everything has finally been fixed, as now I know people can log back onto the American servers. Let’s hope that it stays this way now, and that there won’t be anymore major hiccups happening.