Chicago Startup: BT Social Is The Social Network For Business Travelers INTERVIEW

At Chicago Techweek 2012 we met Tim Hines the founder of BT Social. BT Social is “The Business Traveler’s Social Meeting Place”.  It’s geared towards business travelers that travel a lot. Whether they travel by plane,train or automobile, as long as they stay in hotels and “travel” this is a place for them.

Think about that George Clooney Movie Up In The Air, where Clooney plays the role of a man who travels all over the country firing people. He lives a very disconnected life, he is rarely home and then meets a woman who travels just about as much as him. They spend the night they meet each other comparing loyalty cards and loyalty status for airlines and hotels.

Although it’s just a movie there are people out there in the world that travel as much as Clooney does in the movie.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could make travel buddies. You could find out if one of your travel buddies is in the hotel lounge that you’re staying at or maybe picking up a bite down the road. You could share travel itineraries with friends a lot and get alerts when you and one of your travel buddies is in the same city/state as you.

Now you can make plans with friends you may not otherwise see. You can stop ordering a six pack and watching reruns on HBO and go out and do something, even during travel time.

Hines has some interesting plans for partnerships and also monetization. Hines plans to partner with major travel providers to offer perks to those signing up for BT Social from an airline or hotels loyalty program.

Social networks are nothing new. There seems to be a social network everywhere you turn. This idea is new though and it has potential to do great things.

Check out our video interview with Hines:


Check out BT Social here at their website

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