California Startup: Helping Legacies Live On Through Social Media

Back in March we were the first site in the world to report on UK startup This unique startup allows people to let their social media channels live on after death. After someone passes away, messages that they set up in advance can continue to inspire (or haunt) those they knew through social media and in real life. Mortality is an issue that more and more people are facing and that was actually the motivation behind As we found out at South By Southwest, the founder of is dead serious about the startup.

Many don’t like to bring up tragedies but if you take a look back at the tragic incident at Columbine high school in 1999 and compare it to the recent tragedy in Aurora Colorado this past week, you may have noticed how much technology has changed in the previous 12 years. While social networks were just blossoming in the late 90’s today through social media many of the Aurora victims have Facebook tribute pages set up, walls with thousands of pages of comments, Twitter feeds with thousands of Tweets and more. In fact some of the survivors of the Columbine massacre have reached out to the victims of the Aurora tragedy via, you guessed it social media.

Combine things like that, with the tragedies surrounding mortality that we face all the time and it’s no wonder that Mario Horvath the founder of SplashHead LLC has created

While Hovarth is simultaneously launching and another startup called at the same time, is what he  focuses on in our interview.

Taking mortality into consideration and the way that people cope with tragedy actually makes a lot of sense. A few years ago some may think the concept is morbid but not anymore.

With people can create social media pages for those recently deceased in a tribute fashion. Often reminiscing, even if it’s just in the online context, can help people cope with the loss of a friend or loved one, whether they died of natural causes, fighting an illness or some other tragedy.

People sometimes don’t know what to do to cope with the feelings that come up after someone passes away and actually helps them harness those feelings.

Check out our interview with Hovarth, below:

What is SplashHead?

SplashHead is SplashHead llc., a California company created to design, develop and launch two unique and exciting new apps/sites/products to the world. Originally (and recently I might add), the company was formed under the name “nfinitude llc.” because the only product we were working on was however, more recently, I came up with another idea for a project named “MindBlam” ( and because of this, I created one company to go forward to develop these and probably other apps in the future. For the purpose of this write-up/interview, I will focus on and address your questions as if it relates to due to its current development and near beta release. nfinitude is a social based service (computer & mobile will be available) in development right now which allows an individual to create a page for a departed family member, friend, celeb or pet, invite and allow family & friends to share, create posts, upload photos, etc. and integrate with an existing FB page for the deceased allowing the FB page and nfinitude page to remain updated allowing to celebrate in the life of, as well as find support through a grieving period…almost like a FB for the departed however, support and other channels can be found on nfinitude. nfinitude will continue the memories of an individual or pet AND allow existing FB friend to do the same…the memory will not die out with the person or pet being gone. Tens of millions of people want to preserve and celebrate the lives and memories of loved ones… is the platform for this.

MindBlam is a secret for the time being as it will create a major disruption in the arena of location/reminder apps/services. I will release all information to you on MindBlam when the time is appropriate. You may, however, quote me on that.

Who are the founders and what are their backgrounds?

I, Mario M Horvath, am the company Founder, CEO and creator of both the nfinitude and MindBlam app/site concepts. My earlier background was heavily weighted in the banking and financial sectors and in recent years as an inventor/manufacturer and subsequent holder of US patents for the Grip-n-Ride & Grip-n-Assist safety belts. I consider myself a very well rounded and seasoned businessman and entrepreneur. Without having a programming background, I am fortunate to have Andrew Lane Carr from Brentwood, TN join SplashHead as an Exec. VP & Chief Technical Officer. Andrew brings years of coding & programming talent to the table and along with hiring other talent, will ensure that the site and mobile apps come alive.

Where are you based?

The company is currently based in beautiful, sunny Palm Desert, California (next to Palm Springs) and pending an initial funding source to acquire office space, holds court in my home turned office with me and some interns brainstorming the design & functionality concepts for while Andrew writes code in Tennessee where he and I communicate via Skype.

What is the start-up culture/scene like where you are based?

The Coachella Valley (Palm Desert, etc.) is not known for having a start-up “culture” or “scene”  although Gates, Ellison and many others heavy tech hitters own homes here…I could see the Coachella Valley becoming the Silicon Valley of Southern California!

Do you have access to all the resources you need where you are based?

This is a loaded question for me with my answer being yes and no. In a perfect world, I’d be able to walk down a 4 block stretch of street and dip in and pitch 20 VC/Angel firms or run an ad for a coder or a graphics person and have 30 show up at my door. That’s not the case here and I have to rely heavily on the internet. My biggest concern is a major need for funds to keep us until launch of both products and the ability to attract it quickly from here.

How did you come up with the idea for SplashHead?

With regard to, my mother and father are gone and as I’ve advanced my career and creativity, I found myself wanting to “share” my life and accolades with them and yet, I can’t. I still have their email and phone #’s in my phone after 5 & 8 years. A study showed I was not alone…by any means…people want to remain a big part of someone gone whom they loved or were close to. will also allow a person to privately “communicate” with a departed individual via journaling on the app/site.

What problem do we have?

We have a BIG idea and NO resources. I am confident that will be embraced by millions of people missing their family, friends, celebs and pets. Currently, the only work being done is from me and Andrew and we could use an office and some bodies alone with some possible advisors to move this forward faster. My next step is to put together an Exec. Summary and funding proposal before we fall flat on our faces financially. I need to do this while I design the look and feel of the site/app and all the moving parts to this thing. Sleep is no longer an option.

What’s one dilemma you’re having in the startup process?

With the current lack of funds, or I should say…with the proper funding, we could hire a team of code writers, create an environment, fly Andrew out each week and launch quickly.

What’s one challenge you’ve overcome in the startup process?

I’ve jumped into many unknowns in my business life and came out clean. I recall inventing and designing the Grip-n-Ride and Grip-n-Assist belts a couple of years ago and telling friends that they WILL see the products on store shelves and online…and you can. I stay with and create a passion around my ideas. The main challenge I overcame with is that I am not a programmer/coder and I solicited my concept on the net and partnered with Andrew to write code.

What’s next for SplashHead llc.?

A few things are in store for us…find a funding source, launch and watch it grow (fast) and begin the design and flow of MindBlam.


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