Michael Fogg is one of those fun loving guys that loves the adrenaline rush of surfing in Costa Rica or Hawaii and riding his motorcycle wide open through the rocky mountains. He’s also a smart guy who loves life, and people.
In 2008 Fogg, a life long motorcycle rider, decided to take his Harley Davidson half helmet and do some customizing too it. Rather than stickers, or engraving, he had a face mask, the kind you would find on a football helmet, mounted to his helmet. It seemed like a natural thing to do for safety.
Millions of people have broken bones, ribs and other injuries riding motorcycles. Without proper training and driving safely people wreck, its a fact of life. Well when you break your leg, foot or arm it’s going to heal and then get covered up with clothing. No one is going to see your scars, unless you want them to. When you hurt your face though, that’s a different story.
Fogg knows a fellow rider who broke his bottom jaw almost off and now has to wear a veil. If he had one of Fogg’s FoggFace helmets his jaw would still be intact.
Fogg hopes that in ten years people will look back in disbelief knowing that before the FoggFace helmet, motorcycle riders had no facial protection. Sure there are street style helmets with a full plexiglass piece that comes down across the face but those helmets can be distracting, and sometimes dangerous.
Using a football style masking the FoggFace helmets don’t look awkward. In fact whenever Fogg goes to biker events and sits his helmet on a table, people gather around to hear all about it and ask how to order it. One woman who rides a scooter to work everyday said she would love to buy a FoggFace helmet in designer colors like pink. Fogg is hoping that after OneSpark and getting his business plan rolling, he will be able to offer that.
He’s also hopeful that he’ll be able to create helmets for skateboarders, bicyclists and scooter riders.
Sounds like a multimillion dollar idea right? While the money doesn’t hurt, Fogg is doing this so people don’t get hurt. “It’s really all about safety” he told us at his creator booth at OneSpark on Friday.
To get a better idea of what the FoggFace helmets are all about check out the video below.
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