On average there are 1,500 stories that could appear in your Facebook news feed every time you log on and if you have lots of friends you can receive 15,000 potential stories every time you log on. Facebook’s news feed ranks every story and displays approximately 300 that they believe are the most relevant to you; Tinder, the location-based dating app will let users share Snapchat like photos that will disappear in 24 hours; Do we need the new precision guided firearms app that allows the shooter to take aim and fire from around corners and behind walls when daily gun deaths in the United States are already 10 times higher then the daily death toll in the Vietnam war; The wearable war… Will Google or Apple take the initiative and own this space by making it easier for developers to create apps. We also provide some tips on how to make a great first impression, how to get the relationship off on the right foot, after all, you only get one shot at a first impression. We also discuss words and phrases to use and those never to use. We also have our extremely popular email segment and an excellent interview with Jamie Beckland, VP of Marketing and Customer Success at Janrain.