How to Stretch Your Advertising Spend


The way a business advertises and markets itself is the difference between it garnering popularity, and it not. And when a business garners popularity, it garners custom. And when it garners custom, it makes profit. And making profit is the be all and end all for any business, no matter their size! So, if you are a business owner you really should be giving great precedence to the way you advertise your business. And this starts with making sure the money you have to spend on your advertisement is stretched as far and as wide as possible. Below you can find advice on how to do, both on- and offline.

Cater to your ideal customer

No matter if your advertising spend is being invested on- or offline, if it doesn’t resonate with your ideal customer it has no chance of success. It has no chance because it will not attract those you wish to attract. And when you cannot attract them, then you have no chance of attracting anybody else. Reaching your target customer is hugely important as it sets a base for you from which you can work. To do so, you should pinpoint where it is your target customer spends most of their time both online and in person. If they are more likely to use Facebook when online, rather than Pinterest, then don’t waste your focus and finances on the latter. And if they are likely to shop in a specific kind of supermarket or shop, then make sure that this area is inundated with posters that advertise your business. And to deduce this information, of course market research will need to be conducted on your part.

Take the time of day (or night) into consideration

A smart advertiser is somebody that is able to know the different impacts different times of the day have on advertisements. Think about it, when shopping for household goods you wouldn’t expect to see advertisements for desk organizers and ornaments on a Friday afternoon. You’d expect to see something relaxing and fun, like a hammock or a barbecue set. So, why would you expect your  goods to resonate with your customers when they aren’t advertised at the right time of the day? No matter what it is that you advertise there is always going to be a time of the day that is best for it. And if you want to see your advertisement stretch itself as far as it can, then you need to accommodate the time of the day into your everyday advertising plans, every day. This can then be, of course, extended further to the different times of the year also. Well, you wouldn’t want to be inundated with Christmas advertisements in March, would you?

Consider the platform

Even more important than the time of day in which you advertise is the platform that you advertise on. Considering the platform on which you are advertising is not necessarily pigeonholed just to online advertising campaigns, but it is a major aspect of it. When you advertise online it’s important to take the platform you are using to do it into account for a number of reasons. If yours is a business that puts customer interaction at the forefront, then Twitter is a social media site you should choose to advertise on. This would allow potential customers of yours the chance to interact with your advertisement and your business. But if you’d rather put up an advertisement that induces less interaction, but will stay in sight longer, then choose Facebook. This site allows for advertisements to be accessed clearly and for a long while after their inception. You also need to ensure that your advertising campaigns on two differing social media sites, such as Twitter and Facebook, aren’t identical. This is because they simply won’t work the same. An advertisement on one site wouldn’t be as effective as it is on another. One size does not fit all when it comes to business, and you should always bare this in mind when it comes to your advertising. Well, that’s if you want to see your advertising spend not only stretch, but deliver results.

Garner quick results whilst always looking to the long term

The most successful advertising campaigns are able to get results today whilst keeping an eye on tomorrow. Getting quick results is the defining factor in the successful stretching of an advertising spend, simply because it means fast results. And fast results in business, no matter the area that they are in, are always a good thing. One way to garner quick results with your advertising spend is to focus your investments in PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising. By optimizing the most commonly used PPC services, such as Google AdWords, you will be able to advertise your business online in more ways than just naturally. This means you have a higher chance of stretching your advertisement, and the money you spend on it. As well as this, it will ensure that your adverts are targeted carefully and this is essential if you want to garner a big ROI. But when it comes to advertisement, you have to think about the future also. One way to do is to consistently and continually reassess where you are and where you are going with your advertisement. If you feel your advertising efforts are becoming increasingly futile in one particular area, then you should pull them. This could mean you feel that a particular social media platform isn’t working for you. Or it could mean that advertising in a specific geographical location isn’t bringing your custom. If you feel a certain advertisement isn’t working for you, then don’t be scared to pull the plug on it. The need to stretch your spend safely is of huge importance.

No matter what size your business is — but especially if it’s a startup — you have to give great amounts of attention to budget busting. You have to be doing all you can to save as much money as possible. And by making your advertising spend stretch as far as possible, you are doing this.


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