Nibletz Live At GigTank Demo Day In Chattanooga Tennessee
11:15am Reggie Bradford is speaking on Vitrue and WebMD and his exits, also mentoring 11:05am Joe Ferguson, Chairman of EPB is explaining how “the gig” cam
11:15am Reggie Bradford is speaking on Vitrue and WebMD and his exits, also mentoring 11:05am Joe Ferguson, Chairman of EPB is explaining how “the gig” cam
Entrepreneurship and startups are a hot bed of activity this month in the great state of Tennessee. As we reported earlier, there are three different accelerators graduating this month, all with their own demo day. Possibly because it’s the first of the three graduations, or possibly because they have a unique program, Chattanooga’s Gig Tank
There are a lot of spring/summer accelerator programs “everywhere else”, Tennessee has three significant programs that will be coming to a close in the coming weeks and culminating with a demo day at the end of their session. Chattanooga, Memphis and Nashville are exploding with startup and entrepreneurial growth and it shows in the graduating
In our quest to be the startup voice from “everywhere else” we sometimes come upon hard goods startups that have a great story. Pure Soda Works is one of those startups. We learned about Pure Soda Works when our startup road trip brought us to the thriving community in Chattanooga TN. While Pure Soda Works
Chattanooga TN is quickly becoming know for a lot more than just their “Choo Choo”, there is a tech scene forming in their close-knit community that plans to disrupt the rest of the U.S. One of the backbones to their tech scene is “the gig”. That’s how the Chattanoogians refer to their 1gb fiber optic
Most of us are too busy to sift through the noise of news sites and social streams to get exactly what we want. Many times the important information is lost in the shuffle. That’s where Chattanooga based startup ReTickr comes in. ReTickr was created by three young entrepreneurs and University of Tennessee graduates; Travis Truett,
Chattanooga TN is opening up their Gig City this summer for one of the biggest start up and student tech competitions in the United States outside of New York, Silicon Valley or Las Vegas. The Gig Tank is part start up accelerator, part think tank, part contest and part summer camp. The Gig Tank is split into two main parts the Entrepreneur’s Accelerator and the Student Think Tank.
Want the next great wine recommendation? TrustVino is building the perfect product for you.
With data strewn across several apps, it can be impossible to know if your efforts to get healthy are working. Nudge wants to change that.
No more wondering how to get into a top accelerator. They’re right here to tell you!
Three big announcements show Tennessee startups have lots of momentum heading into 2014.
Small business isn’t the backbone of our economy anymore. But applying common startup methods could change that.
Techstars expands into Kansas City in new partnership with Sprint for the Sprint Mobile Health Accelerator. More here.
The Tennessee Master Accelerator TheTenn wrapped up a week long demo trip road show this week in Memphis. More here.