And the camping has started, not really but 9to5Mac has been told by an Apple employee that the newest iPad “would” be launched on 16 March. It could either go by iPad3 or iPad HD which the rumors are pointing to. Seeing how it could have a retina display where as the “older” iPads lacked, Apple would need a way to differentiate between them as this would be the best way in doing so.
More after the break…
Pricing and specific specs haven’t been announced yet as we are like the rest of you waiting for the press conference tomorrow for everything. However, rumors have it that besides the retina display where are now on all iPhones, that the possible inclusion of Siri as well as LTE(on both ATT and Verizon) which would make sense as we are hearing it would be slightly thicker could be seen.
Source: 9to5Mac