Startup Quick Byte: Share Magnet

For Startup Quick Byte we’ll take a look at Share Magnet, a company based out of Los Angeles, Ca. Share Magnet system enables users who register on the site to get paid for personally recommending relevant items to their friends, family and social connections. The revenue source comes from companies that wish to reward individuals who recommend their products, services, online links, and entertainment such as games, music, films, etc. In other words, you’ll be our advertising and we’ll pay you for sending links out to your friends.

Our mission is to bring consumers together through common interests, and reward them for sharing the things they like.


How you get paid:

  • Advertisers create a “Magnet,” a dedicated page advertising a service, product or event.
  • Social media users register as “Sharers,” allowing them to access Magnets within their interests and targeted at their demographic.
  • Sharers share Magnets (via social media, email, blogs, etc) with people in a similar demographic with similar interests.
  • Each time a share generates a click on the Magnet, the advertiser is billed and the sharer gets paid!


Where to find them:


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