A big problem that many of us will face in the next 50-60 years is one that hasn’t been around before. That is, what happens to all these accounts, all these cloud stored files and all this data when we pass away. Nobody likes to face mortality but it’s definitely something you want to keep track of.
That masterful idea you’ve been working on your whole life, will it be buried with you? Will your legacy be carried out? What about all those passwords for your bank accounts and credit cards? What if you use online desktop office software like Google Docs. Heck I haven’t used Office since the beta of Google Docs. What if my life was cut short, where does the data go?
Companies like Madison Based WI startup Entrustet have been working on that. Entrustet was founded by Jesse Davis and Nathan Lustig with a vision to give users a piece of mind when it comes to your data. They want to allow people to quickly, easily and securely prepare last wishes for their digital assets.
More after the break
Yesterday, the company announced that they’ve been acquired by the largest company in the space SecureSafe. SecureSafe offers a whole suite of products to manage your digital assets after you pass on. They call the space “Digital Estate Planning”. SecureSafe is based in Switzerland and is part of DSwiss a large software security company and they are protected and backed by the Swiss banking privacy and security known throughout the world.
SecureSafe was looking for an entry into the United States and with the acquisition of the Madison WI based company they are doing just that.
This seemed like an acquihire from the on-set with Entrustet’s team picking up US based operations for SecureSafe, this note on the Entrustet’s blog confirms that:
This acquisition is a classic win-win. For Entrustet, we merge our site and users into the leading international competitor. It’s a company with software we respect, a profitable bottom line, good financial backing, excellent security, and an impressive management team–we can rest easy at night that our users will be getting a top-notch alternative.
Financial details of the transaction were not provided.
If this story got you thinking about your data after life please check out Entrustet’s website here