Everywhereelse.co The Startup conference has quickly become the largest single venue multi day startup conference in the United States. It’s happening February 9-12th at the Memphis Convention Center in Downtown Memphis Tennessee.
The conference features amazing guest speakers and a panel line up geared specifically towards early stage, and pre series-A stage startups from outside Silicon Valley. Scott Case,Bill Harris, Rohit Bhargava,, Tracy Myers Techstars Alum, 500startups alum and many more will talk about their experiences outside Silicon Valley and give entrepreneurs, founders, developers, dreamers and do-ers what they need to be successful.
Startups that participate in the Startup Village will get three attendee tickets, booth space, electricity, wifi, a private party, and three pitch contests for $100,000 in cash (and then prizes) there are a few Startup Village spots left here.
Access to capital is one of the biggest obstacles facing startups outside the valley, this panel “How To Raise Money Everywhere Else” will feature some great funded startups and their founders from outside Silicon Valley, you can read more about that here.
Everywhereelse.co The Startup Conference has sold (not pans on selling but sold) over 1700 attendee tickets to date, with only 15% of them zipcoding to Tennessee so this is very much a national conference.
The early bird ticket price was originally supposed to go away Halloween, then before Thanksgiving, then before Christmas and then New Years eve. Well we’re about to officially name our CEO and he’s not happy that we keep extending the date on the conference early bird ticket, so it absolutely positively will end at midnight Pacific time tomorrow morning (Thursday).
You’ll get a great three day conference, access to over 400 angels and vc’s that have already purchased tickets, a Memphis Grizzlies game ticket and a chance to check out a town built on entrepreneurship like Holiday Inn, FedEx, Autozone, Sacks Fifth Avenue and many many more.