FileRock aims to bring complete security to cloud storage. Cloud storage is getting more and more popular since it can save a lot of money, but concerns about security are growing, particularly in the enterprise world. FileRock’s focus is the complete security of data, meaning both the confidentiality and the integrity of data. Our technology effectively allows individuals and enterprises to store files and databases in the cloud, while keeping security under their own control.
With FileRock, you can store data in the cloud without having to trust the cloud provider. Cloud providers cannot access your data, and if they delete or modify some of your data (by malfunction or deliberately) you will notice it immediately, before the data enters your business process. Bottom line: enterprises can save a lot of money by storing their data in the cloud, without having to worry about security.
So how do they do this?
“Our technology is implemented in two different products: FileRock Client, a backup/sync client (Dropbox-style, to be clear) aimed mainly to professionals and small-medium enterprises. And FileRock for Enterprise, a software layer to be integrated in enterprise software environments.” Daniele Arena CEO of FileRock told in an interview.
Bernardo Palazzi, Maurizio Pizzonia, and Giuseppe Di Battista round out the founding team hoping to ease the security concerns of everyone using cloud storage.
These Italian entrepreneurs are building FileRock in Rome a city associated with romance and not necessarily startups, but Arena tells us that’s changing:
“There’s quite a few things going on in the startup world in Italy. There are several startup events (we just participated to the 2013 final of TechGarage Roma, a showcase/competition of startups that has been held for several years) and a growing community of startuppers (the Facebook group Italian Startup Scene, for example, has more than 10,000 members). Obviously, we are not at the levels of Berlin or Silicon Valley: there are still limited options for startups to get funding. But the culture is growing: for young Italian graduates, a few years ago it would have been a crazy idea to get a job in a startup. Not anymore.”
So far FileRock has started a private beta and revealed the source code for the File Rock client at GitHub. Their hoping to get feedback from the user community on GitHub and they’d also like to see users customize FileRock for their specific needs.
So what’s next for FileRock?
“We are currently looking for a Series A Round of 1 million Euros, that we will use to radically scale operations, marketing and sales. We are also looking for partnerships with system integrators and software vendors who would be interested in integrating our technology in their solutions, both in the form of FileRock Client and FileRock for Enterprise. Meanwhile, we’re working hard on building traction and adding features to our software.”
Find out more about FileRock here