Jen Laska of Jen & Joes Cookie Dough is the power behind the company. The business is already successful with Jen and Joe’s Cookie Dough being stocked in over 150 major retailers across the country, including places like Gelson’s.
Jen wanted some advice on taking the business to the next level. I met her for the first time in the studio, a lovely person and like a true entrepreneur, was very open to some mentoring about her business, her website and to other people’s ideas .
As those of you who listen every week know, I have always had mentors and every entrepreneur should surround themselves with people who can provide advice on a range of issues. It has saved my bacon more often than I can remember. Jen is the perfect guest for this show, she created a product, bootstrapped it to the point where they have widespread distribution, and she has done all this while being fully employed in a day job. That sounds like the Modus Operandi of most of the entrepreneurs I know.