Preparing a good portfolio that reflects your achievements and strengths is just the first step to finding a new job. The job market has thousands of professionals with similar credentials as you. Some have more experience than you do. Hence, you need to get creative to get a new job fast after graduation or losing your previous job. Here are some creative ways that will help you get a job faster.
1. Focus on Potential Employers and not Job Openings
Most job seekers look for adverts for job opportunities and then send their applications. Be smart and use a different strategy. Identify companies that you would want to work with and then find a way of getting any job in those companies. Establish relationships with people who are already working where you want to work. Such people can notify you whenever a new job opens up. Do not shy away from taking a lower position from a good employer. Most companies provide their contacts on their websites. You can use a service like theemailfinder.co to verify contact emails and then send an application.
2. Go Offline
The current craze is to do everything on the internet. If you have been sending online applications with no success, try something different. Go back to the old methods of getting a job like browsing yellow pages. Some family-owned companies still use the old methods to find new employees. The job you are looking for could be in your neighborhood. Walk into the organisations that you admire and ask for a job. Even if they are not hiring at that time, they will remember your portfolio when they need a new employee.
3. Attend Networking Events
When job seekers hear of networking, they immediately think of their former classmates or their social groups. You need to grow your network beyond your peers. Do not wait until you are employed to attend high-end events. Register for conferences in your field while you are still looking for a job. Such events are great opportunities to interact with potential employers. Approach the speakers after their talks and express your interest to work with them, even as an intern. Your priority should be on getting an entry point to your dream organisation.
4. Try to Bypass the Human Resource Manager
If you go the conventional way of looking for a job, your application will always end up on the HR’s desk. Chances are that all the applications you been sending are lying on a desk waiting for the HR to make a decision. Human resources managers receive tons of applications for different positions. It may take a while before he or she can decide to grant you a job. If you know a relative, friend, or any connection in the organization, ask the best person to contact for a job. You could talk to the supervisor or a higher-ranking manager directly about your application.
Getting a new job in a crowded professional is a daunting task, especially if you have limited experience. You must use a different approach from your peers to get ahead. Be consistent with your strategies until an opportunity opens up for you.