In an organization, all individuals must work together for a common goal. However, each individual is unique, they have different needs, they communicate differently, and they are motivated in different ways. As a manager, a supervisor or a trainer, it is important to understand the dominant personality style of each individual, in order to know how to approach and help each and every one of them reach their full potential. To do this, we advise you to use a personal style inventory, an effective learning and growth tool based on Carl Jung’s personality theory.
The importance of self-understanding
By using a personal style assessment, you will first help your team discover their unique personality traits. Based on the results of the assessment, the members of your team will be armed with the right knowledge to grow as individuals and get along better with other team members. Without a proper self-understanding, your team will never be able to reach their full potential, nor will they ever learn how to improve their relationships with coworkers and superiors. The Personal Style Inventory (PSI) has been on the market for more than twenty-five years, and its efficiency has been proven over and over again. The PSI identifies numerous personality styles, based on 4 major dimensions:
- Introversion/extroversion
- Sensing/intuition
- Thinking/feeling
- Perceiving/judging
This valuable tool will help your team understand what makes them think, feel and act the way they do. Armed with this knowledge, they can move forward to improving themselves, thus improving the overall communication, leadership and teamwork of your company.
How the PSI works
The PSI can be printed or the assessment can be taken online It includes a series of 32 statements based on the 4 previously mentioned dimensions. Based on the answers of each individual, the result will be a comprehensive personality profile. The score will be delivered as a combination of four letters, each letter symbolizing a predisposition for a certain dimension (for instance, EIFJ= extroversion/intuition, feeling, judging). The test takes only 15 minutes, with an additional hour that includes the interpretation of the results, as well as topic discussions and plans for action. The PSI can be used as a standalone assessment or it can be included into a training program. It is suitable for both individuals and teams. The tool comes with a facilitators guide, containing instructions and a PowerPoint presentation. This tool can be used by anyone, regardless of their certifications or current position in an organization.
Advantages and applications of the PSI
Most assessments based on Carl Jung’s theories ask people to assess how they usually behave. On the other hand, the PSI asks people to assume different frames of reference. In simple terms, it guides people to choose how they would prefer to behave in different situations. So, instead of just giving a definite personality profile, the PSI is a tool that helps individuals grow into the people that they want to be. Moreover, the PSI considers the strengths and weaknesses of each dimensions, which is very helpful for helping people flex their personal styles, when the situations calls for a different approach.
- This tool ca be used in numerous ways, by both individuals and teams. It is particularly useful in the following situations:
- As the main tool for a communication/leadership training program
- As a career planning/personal counseling diagnostic tool
- As a personal counseling discussion starter
- As an instrument for mapping a team profile and improving team spirit
- At the end of the assessment, individuals can expect the following learning outcomes:
- Understanding their unique personality style
- Learning about other personality styles, thus improving their communication with other people
- Learning the strengths and weaknesses of each personality style
- Learning what type of work is suited for each style
- Learning how to improve their work performance and relationships.