Over the past weekend both Kyle and I were at startup events, and if you think with all the events so far this month the two of us have been covering is enough you’d be wrong. Later this month I’ll be covering Silicon Beach Fest in Santa Monica California from June 21-23rd. Organizes by Kevin Winston formally of MySpace, and current CEO of Digital LA. Jason Crilly, CEO and Founder of Pagewoo and Efren Toscano. Founder of TechZulu an independent news organization delivering an insightful story of the technology industry by showcasing the very people creating it. Brought together he top Startup Incubators in the Los Angeles area such as Start Engine, io/LA, Idealab, Amplify and others. For this start studded event. When Kevin Winston was questioned about what brought him to creating Silicon Beach Fest, he mentioned to me.
Greenville Startup: EyeBar Relocating To Wilmington After Winning Contest
A cool video streaming startup from Greenville South Carolina recently won the “Bootstrap ILM” contest in Wilmington North Carolina. The BootStrap ILM contest was sponsored by Wilmington Downtown Inc, Double Eagle and Tayloe Gray.
Double Eagle is a co-working space located in Wilmington North Carolina. They’re the backbone to the prize package that EyeBar has won.
The winning companies in Bootstrap ILM were the proud recipients of:
- Office Space: The Double Eagle at 404 North Third Street comes complete with parking, free secured bandwidth internet, a conference room and kitchenette/break room. BootStrap winners get 90 days of free rent and The Double Eagle will offer flexible terms to those who desire to stay long term, or even month-to-month. Visit the website for the Double Eagle.
- Support from the Community: A weekly brown bag lunch series will feature roundtable discussions of various entrepreneurial and industry supporters (lawyers, accountants, other high growth entrepreneurs, real estate professionals, etc).
- Design Services: TayloeGray will provide business cards, a basic web site and design assistance when and where needed.
- Publicity: Wilmington Downtown Inc. (WDI) will provide the marketing push to get your company initial notoriety upon launch. Additionally, WDI will network your company with others in the downtown community so that when you need something, it’s only a call away.
Spencer Barrick the founder and CEO of EyeBar is very excited about venturing over to Wilmington. His technology allows users to see what’s going on at bars, clubs, festivals and events. Barrick is already looking for places where he can implement the EyeBar technology. He said in a press release:
“BootStrap helps WDI complete several of our goals and we look forward to running this program again next year. We generated some great interest and I’m impressed with the high quality applicants that [were] submitted this year,” said WDI president and CEO John Hinnant, in a press release.
Greenville just started their “Next Big Thing” incubator program today in Greenville.
Find out more about Eyebar here
Find out more about the Bootstrap ILM contest here
Check out Double Eagle Here
Nibletz is the voice of startups “everywhere else” here are more stories from “everywhere else”
Exclusive Interview With Travis Chen Winner Of Hollywood Hack A Day
This weekend, we covered Hollywood Hack Day and now we have an exclusive interview with Travis Chen, created or Typing Karaoke. While not picking up a single Sponsors award, Travis won over both the crowd and judges. Who would think that something that could be education could be so fun. Watch the video below for not only the interview, but also how the crowd reacts when someone tries it during his pitch. They go Crazy…
Hollywood Hack A Day, Final Recap
“It’s like a party, you are afraid that no one will show up”
Rahim Sonawalla mentioned to me about his fears about putting together Hollywood Hack A Day. But boy did they show up. While Kyle was in Memphis for a Launch event this past weekend, I was on the West Coast. More specifically Hollywood California to witness Hollywood Hack Day taking place at io/LA which was nice enough to provide their location to use for the weekend. Put together by Ryan Chisholm, Rahim Sonawalla and Abe Burns, this weekends event expected around around 70 developers, graphic artist, and visionaries to show up. Battling 80 degree crystal clear skies, developers spent all weekend from 0900 on Saturday to 6pm on Sunday putting together not only presentations but working projects as well.
Day 2 Has Started At Hollywood Hack Day At io/LA
We are here at Hollywood Hack Day, on a gloomy Sunday in Hollywood California covering what has turned into 70+ programmers from all over So Cal into one place. The idea behind Hollywood Hack Day was to bring Media and Tech together into one. With sponsors like Rovi, ToxBox, Mashery, Rdio, Spotify just to name a few, the programmers here have been coding all throughout the night.
We’ll be covering all the goings on today as well as later tonight and tomorrow have full videos on all the pitches and the winners as the night goes on.
Calgary Startups Prepare To Pitch In Pitch Rodeo By June 18th
Calgary area startups are invited to submit their 80 second pitch videos to Podium Ventures by June 18th. Startups submitting videos for this contest will be judged on ideas, execution and entertainment value.
The event is part of Calgary Stampede. Startups will have 80 seconds to “rope their way to the top” in hopes of winning the Pitch Rodeo trophy. There are three great prizes available to pick from for the top three pitches:
- Two tickets to Canada House at SXSW 2013 to pitch internationally
- Opportunity to pitch your startup in front of Venture Alberta to get funding
- Visual business model session with Business Instincts Group to hone your business plan
“We are very excited to sponsor an event in which the Calgary startup community has the opportunity to pitch their ideas” says Adam Joyce, Executive Vice President of PODIUM Ventures.
If you think you’ve got what it takes you can submit a summary outlining the idea and a YouTube link to your 80 second practice pitch. Submissions are due by June 18th and should be emailed to pitchrodeo@podiumventures.com
Tips For Pitching At A Hackathon Style Pitch Weekend
As the voice of Startups everywhere else we spend quite a lot of time at hackathon style startup competitions. You know the type,two or three day build a startup weekends. In fact there’s an international organization called Startup Weekend that hosts a lot of the events we really enjoy covering.
Now let’s preface this and say these tips are from the last ten events Cameron, Brent and I have attended and or judged, and not the two events we are at this weekend.
Timing Is Everything
In most weekend long startup competitions the first day starts with rapid fire pitches. From there they are whittled down to a handful of ideas that will be developed over the weekend period. The rapid fire idea pitches are between 2 and 5 minutes. That’s certainly not a lot of time. Make sure your pitch is concise and you don’t sound like the micro machine man.
Cut To The Chase
You don’t have a lot of time to pitch. Jump right into the idea first and do the background stats second. It’s ok to run out of time rattling off statistics that many have probably heard before. If you start with the stats upfront,you may not have enough time to actually get the idea out there. If you run out of time on the idea, your startup has very little chance of getting produced.
Build The Startup During The Contest
Keep in mind these are “weekend pitch contest tips”.
If you have your pitch deck done, a product in beta or at least a concept built,a weekend hackathon style contest isn’t the place. You need what we call in these parts, a networking event.
To me there is nothing less classy then signing up for a startup weekend event, pitching a product just about done that may need a designer or two or a marketer, or an investor and then leaving when your idea doesn’t get picked. Network, help others that aren’t as far along as you are.
Mark’s Mango Smoothie Shop or Toms Tshirt manufacturer isn’t a “startup” most startup weekend style events are looking for businesses that can go from idea to proof of concept in 48, 54 or 72 hours.
The Team That Works Around The Clock Will Probably Win
I’ve only seen two startup weekend style events where the teams didn’t have at least the option of working all weekend long. If you had a great idea and so did Tom and you went home and Toms team stayed all night, when you get back in the morning don’t be surprised if they already have social media streams, an alpha shell and feedback from four major companies. That’s just the way it goes.
In fact at a Startup Weekend in Portland most teams stayed all weekend even with a threat explosions and guns
Do Your Research
If you’re going to make a claim in your pitch that you have the first ever this or the first ever that,do some research. When judging contests I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt if I can’t find your concept ten pages back in Google search results. However if your idea is on the first page in the Google Results within the first two results, FAIL.
Pay It Forward
Last night at the launch for 48 Hour Launch in Memphis folks from Friendsignia, Paytopia, Work For Pie and other local companies who have either been through 48 Hour Launch or Seed Hatchery were there. They joined teams and they are mentoring and helping. Especially “everywhere else” you need to stick together. Take a look at St.Louis. St.Louis native Jim McKelvy, best known for being a co-founder of Square, is constantly reinvesting in St. Louis.
More tips to come later
We’ll Be Live At io/LA Covering Hollywood Hack Day
This weekend, while Kyle will be on the East Coast at another Startup event. I’ll be at a Hackathon on the West Coast covering the Hollywood Hackathon. The event, which has moved to io/LA’s venue near the famed Hollywood and Highland intersection in the middle of Hollywood. Will be filled with those trying to make it into the entertainment field by way of Tech.
Memphis Startups: Launch Memphis Holding 48 Hour Launch Event This Weekend
This weekend if you’re in the Memphis area and an entrepreneur you should probably go ahead and skip the heat and humidity and head indoors to EmergeMemphis (516 Tennessee Street) to Launch Memphis 48 hour launch event.
The event takes the format of a typical startup weekend but your time is actually shaved down six hours.
Friday will start off with a 2 minute pitch contest for ideas that entrepreneurs have.From there teams will be put together to launch these new ideas and the teams will have until Sunday evening at 7pm to build their idea, test their idea and present it to the crowd.
This event will be great for the startup community in Memphis and for entrepreneurs to test out ideas. As with the 54 hour startup weekend events across the world, some entrepreneurs take ideas that they aren’t 100% sure on and flesh them out. We’ve seen some great startups born out of a weekend’s worth of work.
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New Hampshire Startups: $500,000 Startup Competition Launches This Fall
New Hampshire has a budding tech startup scene. Some entrepreneurs are attracted to the peaceful and beautiful climate in New Hampshire. There are some startups in the hospitality industry that are coming out of the University of New Hampshire’s hospitality program that are choosing to stay put to develop their ideas. Now though, there are 500,000 new reasons to launch a startup in New Hampshire.
The New Hampshire High Technology Council and the abi Innovation Hub have announced a new $500,000 tech startup competition. They’ve received financial commitments from 20 accredited investors who will also assist in mentoring New Hampshire startups in the so far unnamed competition, which is going by “The Fund” at the moment.
The $500,000 will be spread out into five annual competitions with $100,00
0 in prize moneyeach year for the next five years starting in September 2012. The first prize will be $50,000 the second prize will be $30,000 and the third prize is $20,000. The top two prizes will be determined by a panel of judges organized by the Entrepreneur’s Foundation of New Hampshire. The third prize will be determined by audience vote at the pitch contest scheduled for every fall.
The first competition will be September 20, 2012.
A separate company is being formed to manage the contest, obtain a name and a URL. Five members of New Hampshire’s tech sector are going to form the company and they are; abi Innovation Hub Executive Director Jamie Coughlin; early-stage investor Matt Pierson; co-founder and chief technology officer of Dyn Tom Daly, a Manchester Internet firm; Executive Director of the New Hampshire High Technology Council Matt Cookson; and member of the Cook, Little, Rosenblatt and Manson law firm Matt Benson.
“This competition fills a void in New Hampshire’s start up scene,” stated Pierson. “Not only are we going to put money into winning start up companies, we’re going to leverage the knowledge of our investors in helping them grow their businesses and ultimately attract additional capital.”
The abi’s Jamie Coughlin stated, “By having a five-year commitment to fund this event up front, we’re sending a strong message to entrepreneurs that we’re establishing New Hampshire as leader in getting start ups off the ground. This is all about investing in people, ideas, and ultimately stimulating our next crop of tech companies.”
“This competition is one more initiative to help drive innovation in New Hampshire,” added Cookson. “This effort will help create new, high paying jobs in our dynamic tech sector. The fact that individuals have stepped up to fund this effort demonstrates the commitment to nurturing our entrepreneurs.”
While “The Fund” is awaiting a name and url information about applying for the contest and the contest itself can be found at the abi Innovation hub website as well as the New Hampshire High Technology Council Site (linked below).
Find out more here at the abi Innovation Hub website or
The New Hampshire High Technology Council Website
Nibletz is the voice of startups everywhere else, here are more new stories from everywhere else
Milwaukee Startup: The Good Jobs Wins Startup Wisconsin Contest On Kick-Off Day
Startup Wisconsin launched last Thursday as part of the Startup America Partnership. They didn’t waste anytime either, and kicked off their kickoff party with a quick pitch contest with a quick $1750 in prizes. The prize money was furnished by the law firm of Michael Best & Friedrich.
A new employment website startup called The Good Jobs, was victorious in the quick pitch competition. The woman owned startup from Milwaukee is creating a jobs site that will launch this summer. Their spin though is that they are matching people up to jobs based on lifestyle badges.
For example, companies that are hiring use proprietary badges to identify things like their commitment to the environment and the planet, or flexible scheduling. All of the things that an employment candidate would be looking for as far as “lifestyle” or “quality of life” are concerned in a new job.
Too often you go into a job interview because you really need a job and forget to ask the important questions. That cruise you have scheduled in two months with your 90 year old grandparents could be in jeopardy if you don’t know ahead of time how a company is about prior family appointments. The office closes at 5pm, does that mean you can still make your sons soccer practice at 6:00? Quality employers know these things are important.
More after the break
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[Opinion] The Facebook Phone And What You’ll Actually See
This article is based on theories in which I’ve presented to people before certain sites took what was an idea and called it their own. I’m basing a couple of the features/products within based on speculation and possible rumors in which have happened in the past and ones we’ll surely hear in the close future when it comes to the Mythical Facebook Phone…
Mass Challenge Announces 125 Startups In Third Session
MassChallenge kicked off the week by announcing the 125 startups that have been chosen to participate in it’s third edition of their accelerator program/competition. MassChallenge is the largest accelerator competition on the east coast.
This years class of 125 startups includes 90 startups from the Boston area, with the other 35 coming from all over the country.
There are 46 tech startups, 25 social startups, 21 in bioscience and life science, 11 in clean tech and energy and 22 in miscellaneous categories.
Here is the complete list.
Energy & cleantech
- Arbsource
- Black Island Wind Turbines
- Bootstrap Compost
- Dynamo Micropower
- HydroConfidence, Inc.
- Invisergy
- NBD Nanotechnologies
- RainBank Inc.
- Solar Tri-Gen
- TireTech
- Zagster
- Bio-Fiend
- CrewTide
- Cryoocyte
- Fetch Storage
- FX Aligned
- GG’s Originals
- HelmetHub Corporation
- LiquiGlide
- LittleBonsai, LLC
- Memory on Hand
- Ministry of Supply Inc.
- Modalyst
- Pegasus Performance
- Roammeo
- RouteSprout
- Strong Arm Technologies, Inc.
- Sweet Corn Tortilla Chips Inc
- TableZest
- Te Tama
- Zoora
High tech
- 42stats
- A.I.type Ltd.
- Akselos
- Appsembler
- Atomic Tower, Inc.
- Bottol
- Bounce Imaging
- Calcbench
- Capital Market Exchange (CMX)
- Citybot, Inc
- CoachUp
- Delightfully
- Distinc.tt
- docTrackr
- Dpicd
- Drones For Peace
- FansFave
- Fantasy Politics
- HandyBook
- iAgree
- IntegralReach
- Kahnoodle Inc
- Kanopy
- Kernel Corp. LLC
- Klypper Inc.
- Lifeables
- Magru
- MegaMIMO
- Mindcrimp
- Nordic Technology Group (NTG)
- Nsyrt Corporation
- pymetrics
- Recruiterbox
- Schmooze Butler
- Securigin Inc.
- SocialMadeSimple
- Stable Solutions
- Texifter, LLC
- Tomorrowish
- ToolSense
- TripReactor (formerly WaySavvy)
- Veenome
- Vsnap
- Wanderu
Life sciences & health care
- Akrivis Technologies
- Automated Medical Instruments, Inc.
- CardioWave
- Cellanyx Diagnostics
- eTransitions
- Guided Surgery Solutions
- Imagnus Biomedical
- Ionu Biosystems
- iSpecimen
- Lab Automate Technologies Inc
- Nanoly Biotech
- Neumitra
- Noor Pharmaceuticals
- OnDeckBiotech
- PhotOral, Inc.
- Quantamerix
- Sextant Therapeutics Inc
- Ubiqi Health
- Vaxess Technologies
- WindGap Medical Inc.
- Yosko
Social impact
- ArtPulse
- Chartus.org
- Design Museum Boston
- EcoValuePoints
- Freight Farms
- Global Research Innovation & Technology
- Gradeable
- IoVista
- Lovin’ Spoonfuls Inc
- LuminAID Lab
- Market Publique
- Native Brain
- NBA Math Hoops
- Persistence Plus
- Prepmatic
- Prime Student Loan Guarantor Corp.
- Project Dots
- RallyPoint Networks, Inc.
- Recovers.org
- RetiCue
- SilviaTerra
- Soundfest, Inc.
- Spill
- TinkerStories
- Zimba
MassChallenge has been the catalyst for growth for lots of great startups. We recently interviewed Brass Monkey, a MassChallenge startup at TechCrunch Disrupt NY 2012 last week. Good luck to all 125 startups from “everywhere else”.
Source: Boston Business Journal
Nibletz is the voice of startups “everywhere else” check out these competition stories
We’re on a sneaker-strapped, startup road trip and could use your help getting on the bus
Boston Startup: KontrolTV Is Another Cuban Backed Startup Who Won Another Huge Contest
Just moments ago we wrote about Mark Cuban backed startup Kisstixx out of Utah who just won the United States Small Business Administration Video Contest. Kisstixx was able to convince Dallas Mavericks owner and venture capitalist Mark Cuban to shell out $200,000 of his own money on national tv, for the innovative lip balm startup.
KontrolTV was a little different. As our friends at Bostinno.com report. Daniel Gnecco, a senior at Boston University this past school year, convinced Cuban to invest in his family run startup MOVL. The younger Gnecco is a co-founder in the video startup with his father Juan Pablo Gnecco.
As the story goes, Daniel saw that Cuban would be speaking at an entrepreneurship event at Babson. Daniel was able to get into the event and then have some face time with Cuban after he finished speaking.
Cuban reportedly emailed Daniel later that day and immediately started negotiating a deal with MOVL. The talks were interrupted by the ending of the NBA walkout but once basketball resumed so did the discussions between Cuban and the Boston startup.
According to bostinno.com Cuban invested $500,000 into the startup that lets you link your television experience with your social activity via your mobile device. It’s a little more robust than GetGlue.
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