Why It Makes Sense For Startups To Invest In PPC Marketing


When you start a new business, there are many things you need to consider. One of the items on your to-do list will be to set up an online presence. There’s no denying that the Internet offers a cost-effective way to promote a brand.

You will no doubt have plenty of ideas on how to promote your startup business online. One thing you may not have considered as part of your strategy is PPC marketing. Let me share with you some reasons why it should form a crucial part of your Internet marketing plan.

Your new website won’t be popular

Many people assume that their new site will become a runaway success. “Build it, and they will come” is probably a saying that sticks in their minds. But, what those people don’t realise is no-one will find their site.

Why? The answer is simple: it’s too new! Sure, you might assume that giving your website an SEO check is all that’s needed. What you may not know is search engines provide little clout to new sites. Did you know that it can be at least a year before you start seeing large visitor numbers from search engines?

PPC or pay-per-click marketing is a brilliant way to drive traffic to your site. It’s something millions of people use when they don’t want to rely on organic search traffic. In a nutshell, PPC ads are those displayed on search engines and niche websites. For example, your gardening PPC ad could show up on a popular gardener’s blog.

Yes, you have to spend money on PPC marketing. But, using a PPC agency can help save you cash as they’ll set up campaigns for you that deliver real results. Startup businesses shouldn’t rely on organic search traffic alone.

PPC marketing is useful for new product launches

Does your startup make or sell products? If so, you will doubtless want to promote your first new product to the world. PPC marketing helps you to target your products to those that are likely to use them.

Sticking with the gardening theme, let’s say that you’re launching a new lawnmower product. You can use PPC ads to target visitors with an interest in gardening. And you can even target certain niches, such as commercial landscaping.

There are scores of case studies out there that prove PPC ads work for firms launching new products. If you relied on organic search traffic alone, expect to make little to new sales in your first year!

PPC ads are cheap

As a startup, you might have thought about advertising your brand in the media. The thing about printed media like newspapers and magazines is they are expensive. Most people stick with online advertising as it’s more cost-effective.

They are also viewed across many platforms, such as computers, smartphones and tablets. Startups know they have to keep costs to a minimum. That’s another reason why it makes sense to opt for PPC marketing.

I hope you’ve found today’s article useful. Thanks for reading it!

3 Eureka! Moments Every Entrepreneur Has


In a world with stiff competition and evaporating attention spans, raising brand awareness is harder than ever. It’s no longer possible to simply be in the right place at the right time. Now, it’s imperative that you have the right marketing behind you if you’re going to make any kind of splash in the cutthroat world of business.

It can be pretty difficult, though, especially for startups, to find the clout or resources to forge a successful strategy. A small team and an even smaller budget are huge roadblocks to avoid in finding startup success. How can you raise any kind of interest in your brand when you don’t have the capacity of your competitors? That’s where a smart marketing plan comes in, but it isn’t always that simple.

No degree of planning or education can prepare you from the very real problems that will arise during your startup journey. You won’t have any textbooks to reference. You won’t have a tutor that holds all the answers. You’re on your own. It’s time to sink or swim. What’s it going to be?

The truth is that the world of small business is all about trial and error. You’re going to get things wrong. There are going to be setbacks. The sooner you can wrap your head around this the better. It’s not a slight on you, nor your business. It’s a simple consequence of the world we now live in.

If you’ve yet to begin marketing your startup, you don’t know the perils that lie ahead. You’re probably filled with a buoyant enthusiasm and a boundless resolve. I’m a little envious of those traits. But prepare to have that resolve tested. Before your small business finds the traction or momentum it needs to scale new heights, there will be several ‘Eureka!’ moments. The sooner you have them, the easier it will be to get back on track. Here’s what you should expect.

Market Your Product, Not Your Brand

This is a critical error of judgment that many new businesses make. The idea is that you need eyes on your business and not the services that your business offers. That’s not the case. What good is having an audience when you’ve got no stage show? That’s going to create some hostility and resentment; things that your brand may not bounce back from. Before you even think about selling yourself, make sure you’re backed up by an equally reliable product. Only then can you start to think about reaching out to marketing agencies like LosAngelesSEO.org. The last thing you want is major traffic before you are ready. 


Perspective Isn’t 20/20

When you’re first starting out, chances are all your energy will be spent focusing on the things that will greatly benefit your business. Somewhere along the way, you’ll realize that you’ve taken the wrong approach. Starting a small business is all about minimums. Minimum expectations. Minimum standards. Minimum reach. You figure that, as long as you exceed the minimum expectations, you’re standing in good stead, right?

Nope. Putting all that focus on the minimum is taking customer value away from your business. You may be desperately clinging to the idea that you need to achieve certain targets for sustainability. But that’s losing sight of your real goal; what is my value to the customer. It isn’t the other way around. It’s not even a two-way street. What your business gets from the customer is irrelevant. It’s about what the customer gets from your business. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you’ll make smarter decisions for long-term success.

You Can Peak Too Soon

It’s the dream of every entrepreneur to experience rapid growth at the earliest opportunity. It makes sense, right? The sooner you’re expanding, the more money you’re going to be making. Everyone’s a winner. Well, not quite. There is such a thing as premature growth. Let’s say your company finds wild success in its infancy. Great. But what then? All of a sudden, there’s increased expectation and pressure. None of which you’re particularly well equipped to deal with.

In the world of business, you’ve got to pay your dues. Scraping by for survival is the only thing that’s going to prepare you for the perils of expansion. Trust me on this. If you can guide your small business through the uncertain terrain early on you’ll have the experience to navigate the world of big business. Don’t get ideas above your station. Enjoy the learning curve. It won’t last long, but you need to make the most of it.

Simple Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Startup Ambitions


Starting a new company is one of the best ways to secure your income for the future. You just need to identify the right concept and act fast. However, there are many common mistakes made by people in your position. For that reason, you need to perform a lot of research along the way. The information on this page should help to make sure you don’t do anything too stupid. We spoke to some of the country’s leading entrepreneurs when writing this post to ensure the advice is accurate and up to date. So long as you don’t make any of the simple mistakes listed below, you should be on the right track.

At the end of the day, people start businesses to make money. So, it doesn’t make sense for you to navigate blindly through the landscape. There are many other companies out there trying to steal the lion’s share of the market. That means you need to work hard to come out on top.

Failing to create a business plan

Your business plan is the most important part of your operation. It’s critical you know how your company will make a profit before starting out. The plan you create needs to include information about the level of funding you require. It also needs to outline a clear growth strategy that should be attractive to investors. You have a couple of options when it comes to getting your new business plan sorted. You could handle the process yourself using free templates or outsource the task. Sometimes people find that paying an expert to create their business plan is the best choice. It guarantees you will get a perfect document to show to investors.

It should be clear how much cash you need after creating your business plan. However, many new companies fail to get the level of investment they require. For that reason, you should always pitch for slightly more money than you need. So long as you plan covers all aspects of your operation, investors should fall over themselves to offer funding. Just make sure you take a look at any possible threats to your business and how much it would cost to solve them. Keeping some extra cash in your accounts is vital because you never know when something unexpected might happen.

Employing the wrong team

There is no getting away from the fact that you will need employees to push your business forward. Even so, lots of new company owners still manage to employ the wrong people. Don’t make the mistake of advertising jobs on government websites because you will get too many applicants. You need to promote your vacancies one specialist job boards designed for your industry. That way, it should be easy to reach the right people and encourage them to apply. The main issue you face is that workers have many rights these days. That means you can’t simply sack someone without good reason. Considering that, you need to spend a lot of time interviewing candidates to ensure you get it right.

Ignoring legal advice

All company bosses will have to seek legal advice at some point. That is especially the case when it comes to employing team members. Employment law is a complicated subject, and so you always need guidance. It is vital that all employees have legal contracts that would stand up in a court of law. Indeed, you would be breaking the law if you didn’t provide them with the right paperwork. Just search online for a lawyer in your local area with suitable experience. Book an appointment to see them and explain your situation. It should become clear very quickly if you have made an appropriate selection. Once you find a decent legal representation, you need to build a relationship and let them know about your business. That way, you can always get the best advice when you need it most.

Using bad marketing strategies

There are certain tasks every business owner should outsource during the startup stage of their company. Marketing is one such task. You need to make sure thousands of people encounter your brand every single day. That is the best way to expand your operation and secure higher sales levels. Selecting the right marketing strategies for a startup company involves a lot of hard work. There simply isn’t enough time in the day for you to do that while running the business. Thankfully, there are thousands of marketing companies you could contact for help. Letting the professionals work their magic should mean you get much better results. When all’s said and done, it’s in their interests to keep you happy because you will continue to spend money.

Becoming a tyrant


You don’t need us to tell you that some bosses can become impossible. Your workers need to have a certain level of respect for you if you want them to go the extra mile. They’ll never feel that way if you don’t offer the same respect to them. Employees are not your slaves, and they only have to fulfil their contracts. Make sure you never push anyone too hard, and always try to remain friendly. Becoming a tyrant will mean the best workers start to look for alternative means of employment. The last thing you need is for experienced team members to leave your crew at the most critical moment. Make sure your workers always know how much you value their contribution.

Any business owner who makes the mistakes listed on this page is headed for disaster. We just hope that reading about them today will help you to avoid walking down that path. You are guaranteed to make lots of dodgy decisions while you’re still learning. However, you can limit the impact they have on your operation by listening to the experts. We hope your business manages to succeed and make millions in the next few years. Whatever you do to make a profit, you now have the right information to secure your operation for the future.

Let Your Brand Shine Through Your Customer Experience

Customer Satisfaction Survey

An excellent customer experience is one of the essential elements of running a business. Your customers need to come away from their experience feeling that you have delivered on your promises. You want them to find your service memorable and to keep coming back again and again. You’re trying to build brand loyalty in them. That means delivering the best customer experience you can. You need to use your customer experience to differentiate yourself from other brands. It should show people what your brand stands for and how you can give them what other brands can’t. Here are some of the ways you can ensure you do that.

Train Staff to Go Above and Beyond

Your staff are essential to your strategy of delivering a branded customer experience. Whether they’re on the phone or face to face, they should be consistent with your brand. Even if you hire people with plenty of experience in the industry, you should ensure they undergo training. You need their work to match up with what you promise to deliver as a brand. They should be knowledgeable and helpful to meet customer requests. But they also should be prepared to go beyond that. They can go further to offer help before customers have the chance to ask for it, making suggestions and doing more than the minimum.

Engage with Your Audience in Their Preferred Manner

If you have identified a target audience, you need to use what you know about them to your advantage. Different groups of people have preferred methods through which they prefer to research brands. Younger demographics will often prefer to contact you through social media or email. You need to ensure you’re using the right avenues to reach your target market. You might think that this seems like common sense. But you can be sure that some of your competitors aren’t doing it. You can get ahead of them by ensuring that you are.

Use Your Branding

It can be difficult to get customers to remember your logo. Not every company can be Coca-Cola. But it’s important to try to connect your name, logo and branding to your client experience. Your customers will remember how they were treated, so you want them to keep your name in mind too. Offering a branded experience by using your brand imaging will make you stand out. For example, you can use personalised bathrobes for hotels instead of generic products. If you send products in the mail, you can create branded gift wrapping to include a personal touch when you ship orders.

Set the Right Tone

You have to make sure that your customer experience always has the right tone. If your website is relaxed and friendly, your customer service over the phone should be the same. Everything needs to be consistent to deliver a first-class customer experience to everyone.

If you want to differentiate your brand from others, make sure your customer experience is as good as it can be. If you deliver what you promise, customers will keep coming back.

EP30: Laura Roeder Talks Bootstrapping Edgar

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In this episode Laura Roeder talks about how she successfully bootstrapped her new social media management startup Edgar, and shares her story of becoming an entrepreneur at 22. We also discuss the importance of team building, managing remote teams, and how sometimes it’s smarter to not raise capital and go for it!

Read These Tips Before Launching Your Crowdfunding Campaign


Crowdfunding has become a popular way to secure funding for projects in a range of industries. If you can’t obtain money from other sources, or don’t like the idea of them, crowdfunding could be the right route for you. However, not just anyone can launch a campaign and find the success they’re looking for. If you don’t get the attention you need, you won’t reach your target. Most crowdfunding sites work on the principle that you only get the money if you raise everything you need. So bringing in as many donations as possible is essential if you want to see any money at all. Follow these instructions to increase your chances of raising your funds.

Choose the Right Site

There are now many crowdfunding websites available for you to choose from. Some are suitable for just about any project, but there are also more specialized sites. You can find crowdfunding websites that are just for charitable causes. Some are intended for musicians, authors or other creative people. You can even find crowdfunding sites to help you raise the funding you need for a legal case. Even the sites that seem similar can have some subtle but important differences. Before you create your campaign, be sure to look at your options and decide which site is best for you.

Putting Together Your Page

Whichever website you choose to use, you’ll have to create a page for your campaign. This is your chance to convince people to donate their money to you. It’s also where you can keep people updated on the progress of your campaign and your project. You will probably have a space where you can upload a video and some photos. Take the opportunity to make yourself look professional, explain what your project is and why people should invest in it. You might create a video showing off your product prototype. Or you could record yourself talking about what your aims are. Write a description too so that people can read about what you’re doing.

Offering Rewards

Many crowdfunding sites work on the idea that people get something in return for their contribution. They like it if they receive something right away. You might have some promotional products lined up to send out to people who donate. There are other ways you can reward people too that might happen later on. For example, you might give them a producer’s credit in the web series you make. You should grade your rewards at different levels, depending on how much people give.

Spreading the Word

If you want to have any hope of reaching your goal, you have to tell people about your campaign. Crowdfunding works best when you already have a solid base of people you can market to. You can share your campaign page on social media and send it out to your email list. Otherwise, you’ll have to put in a lot of work to attract the right attention.

You have to put work into promoting your crowdfunding campaign if you want it to be successful. Don’t expect just to put it up and leave it to collect donations.

Killer Tips For Setting Up A Construction Company


If you have experience in building and a degree in engineering, you might be thinking about setting up your own construction company. There are a lot of advantages to this business idea. It’s true to say that a number of the bigger construction companies are outsourcing smaller jobs to other businesses. So, there is plenty of demand on the market for another construction company. As well as this with the right marketing, you’ll be able to get a lot of interest from private clients. However, if you are going to grab this business opportunity, there are some issues that you will almost certainly need to think about. We’ll work through them and give you some tips on how to get started the right way.

Get Funding

The first step you’ll need to take is to get funding for your business. There are a number of different routes to take to get your business funded. But we think that the best solution for a construction company is a portfolio loan. You can use a portfolio loan to get a large sum of money with a low interest. But, you will need to show that you have a good financial history. You may also have to demonstrate how and why you believe your business proposal will be profitable. It might take some time to get the loan but it is worth the difficulty for a guaranteed low or even frozen interest.

Buy The Equipment

You do need to think about where to buy the equipment your company will be using on a daily basis. We suggest you look at eCommerce companies. Online you will be able to find businesses selling everything you need, from heavy machinery to specialized safety equipment. It’s important that you buy from a reputable seller as you need to make sure that the equipment will work effectively. If it doesn’t, it could affect how well your business works and this in turn could reflect poorly on your company reputation.

Don’t Forget Safety

Don’t forget that on a construction site there are a lot of dangers to take into consideration. You need the right safety equipment for the job. One of the biggest dangers on a construction site is a fire. This could be caused by faulty wiring or simply human error. Wireless fire alarm systems are the best solution to this issue. They can be moved easily from one site to the next and don’t require a lot of installation.

You should then look into hiring the best workers, creating a team you can rely on. When you hire workers, it’s far better to get a small skilled workforce rather than a larger group that are not well trained. You shouldn’t cut corners here.

Hiring Workers

As well as this remember, you must make sure your business is protected. As we have already established a construction site can be dangerous for employees. You must ensure that your business is insured with workers compensation. Otherwise, your company could close down after one bad accident.

Take this advice on board and you will understand all the issues of setting up your construction business. We hope you find great success in this industry.

The Key To A Better eCommerce Site Is…


… appreciating that there are many aspects that create a successful online venture. The sooner you start paying attention to the details, the sooner you’ll start to see improved results in this fierce environment.

The first key element is good organisation. A great website doesn’t just surface through a fluke. The most effective sites have been planned meticulously. If you are serious about following in the footsteps of various big name startup owners, you must be prepared to do this too.

Before worrying about the website itself, you need to think about your business. And the most important part of your venture is the customer. Therefore, they must always be at the core of your focus. Providing a better service for them is the only route to success.

Attention to detail is key. Even your domain name must be perfect. Meanwhile, detailed market research will serve you very well. Understanding the customer’s needs will help tailor every aspect of your business. Once you’ve pinpointed and targeted your niche, you’ll have a far greater chance of converting interest to sales.

However, the first challenge is actively planting those seeds of interest. The online arena is a fierce playground, and you have to take every possible step to ensure that you gain your place within it. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by increasing your search engine visibility with better SEO. You’ll be amazed at the amount of increased traffic this brings.

Using Google and other platforms to help people find your business is crucial. But your marketing strategies cannot end there. You should also use various social media campaigns to express the ethos of your brand. Find ways to create content that resonates with your core audience, and they’ll soon become interest.

You can additionally use link building, Pay-Per-Click and other advertising to build that familiarity. This is why your branding is crucial to the entire business. If you don’t boast the natural flair, speaking to a graphic designer could make life a lot easier.

Getting people to the website is one thing, but you need to build trust. Placing testimonials from previous customers is a great way to do this. However, you also need to provide customers with a pleasant and easy experience. Using ecommerce website design facilities will ensure that you tick this box in emphatic style.

Having the resources to put the customer at ease should help convert interest to sales. This is a huge milestone. But it’s not the end of your journey. If you truly want to see success, then you’ve got to encourage repeat business from those customers.

Running special promotions is a fantastic option, especially as it offers that sense of getting a bargain. Another great trick is to get blogging. A static website is boring and can turn customers away. Besides, those blog posts are the perfect outlet to promote certain products or deals.

Essentially, the key is to provide a complete platform for the customer to love. Follow this up with good communication, and your online takings should shoot through the roof.

3 Changes That Could Save Your Company Money


As a business owner, the chances are that you focus your time on boosting your profits and growth. However, if you want to increase how profitable your company is, a crucial area you need to focus on is cutting costs. If your spending is out of control, your profits and growth will suffer because of it.

That’s why, if there are any ways that you can save money, you need to be doing them. You may not think that there are any viable solutions for cutting costs, but you would be surprised. Far too many entrepreneurs make the mistake of thinking that their options for reducing spending are limited.

These three money-saving changes, highlight the fact that if you are careful about how you spend, your company can save.

Buy resources in bulk online

If you want to save money on your resources, like pens, printer cartridges, and stamps, buy in bulk online. Many business owners opt to buy their supplies from high street business stores, but the truth is, these can often be over-priced. Plus, by ordering online, you’ll save on fuel costs.

While you will have to pay for delivery costs, by ordering online in bulk, you’ll save money. You don’t necessarily have to buy everything from one site, as by shopping around, you may be able to save. For example, a fantastic site for picking up affordable stamps from is http://onlinestamp.net/buy-stamps/. If you look around, you’ll also be able to find some other sites that are amazing for saving money on resources.

Go paperless

According to research, 40% of paper used for business use is thrown away within 48 hours of being used. Instead of wasting money on the cost of paper and printing ink, consider becoming a paperless company. Not only will going paperless save you a lot of money, but it will also help to save the environment. For more reasons, take a look at http://www.business2community.com/sustainability/.

Instead of printing documents, encourage your employees to email items and share via Google documents. You’ll not only be saving money but in terms of security, confidential information will also be safer as it will only be stored online. You’ll also cut down on the costs of paper shredding, as your company won’t be using paper.

Shop around for cheaper services

You may think that you’re getting a good price for your commercial services – web hosting, internet access, and so on. However, it’s worth looking around. Sometimes, by switching to another company, you can reduce the amount that you are paying for certain services.

You may also find that by bundling some of your business’s services together, that you can save money. The key to cutting the costs of your services is shopping around. Sometimes, simple changes like switching your payment method can make a difference. That’s why, it’s so important to look at all your options when it comes to saving money on your services.

By implementing these three changes, you could reduce your company’s spending. Helping to increase your profits and making company growth a little easier.

EP 29: Angel Investor Tatyana Gray Explains What Investors Are Looking For

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Angel investor Tatyana Gray explains shifts in the investment world, and shares different things that turn off investors to founders and ways to impress them.

Lightning Round Answers:

Top Ways You Can Promote Your Restaurant Startup


If you’re looking for a great startup idea, then might I suggest opening a restaurant? Restaurants are highly profitable if you can get customers through your doors. Which is why I’ve come up with three tips to help you promote your restaurant startup:

Create A Website

Every business needs a website, and it’s vital for a restaurant. Seriously, if you only pay attention to one thing on this list, it has to be this! You must create a website for your restaurant. Get it done professionally so it looks nice and proper. Why is a website important? Because it’s a way for people to view your restaurant online. They can look at the menus, see pictures of the food. It can entice them to come down and eat there. Plus, you can have an online booking system so they can book a table right there and then!

As I briefly mentioned, you need your site to look professional. No one will go to a restaurant that doesn’t have a well-designed site. Either find a web designer to do it for you, or use a professional website creation tool.

Focus On The Interior

A big selling point of any restaurant is the interior. People want to be sat in a nice place when they go out for a meal. No one wants to pay to eat in a restaurant with an ugly interior that looks half complete. Get your restaurant looking amazing on the inside, and you’ll have a line of people waiting on the outside. Have a look on debretton.com.au if you want to see some classy restaurant interior designs.

Now, you may be thinking that the interior will only have an effect on people inside your restaurant. But, it can be the thing that drags people in. Good interior design will grab people’s attention when they walk past your restaurant. It will catch their eye, and they’ll think oh that place looks nice, I should check it out sometime. Secondly, you could take pictures of the interior and post them on your website/social media pages. This will get more and more people into your restaurant as they’ll like what they see.

Use Social Media

Yep, you guessed it, you have to use social media to promote your restaurant business. It’s such a great way of marketing your startup and getting new customers. Social media is an easy way to engage with your target market. For a restaurant, this will usually be people that live relatively close by. You can chat with them and make sure they all know about your restaurant.

My top tip is to make good use of Instagram. Create an account so you can post pictures of food and drinks. People always get tempted when they see a good food picture. Something as simple as an Instagram post can be all it takes to get a new customer.

And there you have it, there are three ways you can promote your restaurant startup. Hopefully, this has been helpful, and you’re now feeling more confident about your new business venture! If you’re interested in other startup ideas, then have a look at the post here.

How To Hack Proof Your E-Commerce Site

Image courtesy of Dennis Skley under CC BY-ND 2.0

In our age of internet, e-commerce sites are becoming one of the most used shopping outlets of all time. With the major successes of big online stores, such as amazon.com, many retailers are looking to make the move into online sales. However, with such a big part of commerce now relying on these sites, the need for vigilance in online security from business owners is becoming more paramount than ever.

The risk of hacking not only puts customers and their details at threat, it also seriously jeopardises the reputation of the merchant. Businesses everywhere, even retail giants, such as Target, who predicted a $148 million profit loss after their site was breached, are discovering the hard way, that taking steps to reduce the threat of hacking is an essential part of running an e-commerce site. Fortunately, there are a few simple things that can be done to drastically reduce the risk, and by staying up-to-date and alert to threats, your e-commerce site can thrive to it’s full potential.

  1. Handling and Storing Credit Card Data

First, as a bottom line, credit card data of customers should never be stored for long periods of time. Although this drastically reduces risk, as hackers have less data to target, it is not a full proof method to protect customer data. This is because the use of certain programs, such as memory scraping malware, can intercept data even if it has only been stored momentarily, while being tokenized.

Similarly, specifically targeted malware can work parallel with your individual payment process in order to access sensitive data while the payment itself is underway. There is no definitive answer when it comes to storing data, however the PCI-DSS (The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) has been set up to help any organisations that handle labelled credit card transactions. From their website, merchants can complete a self-assessment form and work alongside the Security Standards Council to take steps to optimise the handling of sensitive data.

  1. Keeping Data Encrypted

Keeping data encrypted in essential when running an e-commerce site as any sensitive information that passes through is at threat of intruders. There are many ways to incorporate data encryption into an e-commerce platform, and although the most tech savvy among us may choose to build their own, for most of us the easiest way to ensure our site is secure is by using a third-party tokenization system. Most third-party platforms, such as Shopify, come with a pre-approved SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate, which means businesses can ensure that data is encrypted when travelling between the company’s web server and customers website.

The SSL seal will also help to reassure customers that the site is authentic and therefore improve reputation. Another way data encryption can help protect is through the use of a VPN when administrating the site. The VPN encrypts your data and IP address, which prevents potential threats accessing the internal website and admin panels through your internet connection.

  1. Managing Passwords

Unsurprisingly, passwords are an essential element of securing your site. Just as unlocking our front door gives access to our houses, passwords are the key to accessing everything inside a website. However, this also means they are a point of weakness for hackers to attack, so taking steps to ensure optimal password safety is an essential step to take when securing your site.

First, heightening customer password security by installing requirements in passwords length and character use and sending reminders to update and change passwords on a regular basis are both sure-fire ways to reduce threat. Alongside this, using a secure password storage system, such as cyberark, which uses multiple layers of built-in security, reduces the risk of passwords being hijacked. Finally, by highly restricting admin privileges and access for users and reviewing settings for unused or dormant accounts, you can minimise the threat of hackers gaining entry and accessing sensitive information within the site.

  1. Keeping Alert & Up to Date

As cyberthreat is ever-changing and ever-growing as technology advances, one of the best tips to ensure the highest level of security for your site is to stay in tune and up to date. This can be done simply through ensuring your software is updated. Updated software can include resolutions for security threats that older versions didn’t even know existed, including firewalls, gateway, e-commerce and anything else you may be running.

Also, for those using a third-party e-commerce platform, many providers will supply an up-to-date analysis of threats to the system that can help you stay ahead of the game. Another step that can be taken to stay up to date with threats is to install software, such as Google Intelligence, that alerts the proprietor to any suspicious activity or transactions. By doing this, threats can be identified early and dealt with before a serious infiltration occurs.

  1. Getting the Right Help

Internet security can be a very complex topic and running a business is very time consuming, so it’s little surprise that many merchants find this element of setting up their e-commerce site more than a little bit daunting. Fortunately, this is not a problem you have to tackle alone! Many companies advocate actually hiring hackers to test their sites security and to work alongside them to reduce the threat of cyberattacks.

Similarly, many third-party companies will perform what is known as a penetration test to highlight vulnerabilities in the system and allow businesses to prioritize addressing the specific weaknesses of their network. And, as aforementioned, completing the PCI-DSS self-assessment form is a great way to start to take steps to ensure your site’s optimum security without having to become a hacking expert yourself. 

The benefits of prioritizing internet security when developing your e-commerce business are undeniable. Not only does it protect your customers, it ensures the smooth running of your website and business and protects the detrimental effect on reputation that a security breach will no doubt bring. Although ensuring optimum online safety may seem like an overwhelming task, these simple steps will set you up for drastically improving your sites security and reaping the benefits that having a secure, validated e-commerce site brings.

Tips You Need For Online Business


Are you thinking about running a business online? It’s a great decision particularly for those who are ready to embark on their first start up venture. However, we can’t claim it’s going to be easy. There are a lot of challenges you will face getting your business up and running. But we think we’ve got the solutions that you need.

Run Your Company From Home

Our biggest piece of advice is to run your business from home, from the start. You will find yourself running your company from home at some point, even if you start in an office. This is due to the fact that by working from home you can limit the expense of running a company. You won’t have to pay for rent or office space. As well as this, any of your employees will also be able to work from home. That means they are not your responsibility and you avoid the risk of risk that comes with premises liability. Businesses are being inundated with AI claims from annoyed employees. But, if you run your business from home yours won’t be one of them.

Set Up Virtual Mail

When you run your business from home, you still want your company to appear successful. The best way to do this is to make it look like your company is run from an office. That’s easy with resources like Physical Address. You can arrange for your mail to be sent to this company and they will provide you with a business address. They will then scan your mail and you can access it using cloud software. It’s an efficient service and makes your company look professional.

An extension of this concept is a virtual office. A virtual office means that you can rent an office space when you need to meet a client or hold a business meeting. For all intensive purposes this will be your company location but you will only pay when you use it.

Online Marketing

Is online marketing free? Of course not, but it is excellent value for money particularly if you are running an online business. Using digital marketing you can make sure that the customers that you need find your business site. As well as this you can use tools such as social profiles for free to boost your business image. You may still want to hire a digital agency to man these profiles as they need to be constantly updated. For instance, your Twitter should be used to update your followers about any new services offered by your business. As well as this, it should be used to post updates about your industry.

Cloud Software

A home run business doesn’t have to be small. It can stretch across an international playing field. But only if your business partners and employees can access the files that they need and communicate with you. That’s why you should invest in cloud software. Cloud technology will allow the effortless transferal and access of data across the net, instantly. It’s the only way to effectively run a business from home.


4 Interesting Startup Ideas Destined For Success


Sometimes, it can be hard to come up with a business idea. You want to start a company, but you can’t find the inspiration. Well, today’s your lucky day because I’ve got four startup ideas that are destined for success:

Start An Arcade

Gaming is a big industry these days, as people love to play games in their spare time, on the phone, computer or even going out to play some arcade games. Of course the concept of the arcade is rapidly changing, but still exists and is growing in new formats.  Gambling is also popular; from daily fantasy sports to traditional casino games. They love the thrill of trying to win money. So, why not take advantage of this popular industry and start a little arcade?

You can set up an arcade and include lots of video games, and depending on your location also looking at casino games. This way, you cater to different audiences. Younger children and teens can come in and spend their money playing your video games, and appeal to an older audience through access to the betting machines and games where they can win money.

The key to making money from this business venture is to have all the necessary equipment. You want popular arcade games from now and from the past. People will love to play a retro Pacman game! And, think about the gambling games, roulette arcade games are very popular. It’s a good idea to look for suppliers of the gaming units and try and get them in your arcade. Also, there are some tricks to the trade of running a successful arcade.

One of those tricks revolves around tokens. When someone plays a game, they get tokens as a reward. Collect enough tokens and they can exchange them for prizes. It’s a foolproof way of persuading people to keep on putting their money into the machine and playing the game. Of course, you’ll have to make sure no one cheats and claims they have more tokens than they actually do. There are plenty of products for counting tokens out there, and they’ll come in handy. They’ll ensure no one cheats and slips in fake tokens to exchange for prizes.


Open A Yoga Studio

In general, health & fitness is a huge industry. I’ve found that it’s been growing and growing in the last few years. And, it looks like it will continue to grow. People want to stay fit and be healthy, and there are plenty of ways to make money off of that.

One of the best health & fitness business ideas is starting a yoga studio. A place where you will run yoga classes and teach people. Yoga is a massive craze, people of all ages and genders like it. It’s for this reason that it’s a great idea. You have a diverse market to appeal to; you aren’t restricted to a certain market. There’s even yoga for elderly people to take part in too!

To run a successful yoga business, you need a few things. The first is somewhere to hold your classes. You could hire out a sports hall from a local school, or find a place of your own. Some people have bought office space and converted it into a yoga studio. Having your own studio is better than hiring because you’re not restricted in any way. Secondly, you need a range of yoga equipment. Comfy mats, blocks to help beginners, that type of thing. Thirdly, you need to be a qualified yoga instructor. This may seem like a big task, but it’s not that difficult to achieve this. Some people can get the qualification in a couple of months. It’s worth putting the effort into getting this qualification because you can make some serious money from a yoga studio.


Start A Cafe/Restaurant

You may have noticed that quite a few high street shops are closing down. And, in their place, a restaurant or cafe is popping up. Cafes/restaurants are a highly popular business venture. Why? Because people want to have a bit to eat or something to drink, when they’re out. It’s tough walking round shops, you need somewhere to rest. As a result, there’s a big demand for cafes and restaurants.

To take advantage of this business venture, you need a good location. Setting up a restaurant in the middle of nowhere won’t get you many customers. Instead, you need to look for somewhere close to the middle of a city. Your location should be as close to other shops as possible. If you’re near shops, you’re near people. Naturally, this greatly increases your chance of gaining customers.

Also, think about what you’ll sell and how you’ll make it. My top tip is to emphasise the homemade aspect of your cafe/restaurant. Especially if it’s a cafe. Shout about your freshly baked cakes and handcrafted coffee. People will love that. For a restaurant, it helps if you include nutritional info on your menus. Let people know what they’re eating. Of course, get your ingredients from the best suppliers possible, and make sure they’re natural.

Start A Digital Marketing Agency

Marketing is a very important part of every business. As a result, it’s become a big industry to get into. There are more and more marketing agencies appearing every day. It’s a highly profitable business idea.

In particular, digital marketing is huge. Start a digital marketing agency, and you won’t be short of customers. Businesses are looking to outsource their marketing to knowledgeable companies. There’s a lot of money to be made in this field.

The trick is making sure you know what you’re doing. Become a marketing expert and hire other experts to join your company. If you emphasise how much you know about marketing, it makes your agency more appealing. Also, look for small businesses. It’s unlikely that a big business will hire you, small businesses are the ones that need marketing help. Success will increase with every job you take on. When people see what you’ve done for other businesses, they’ll be banging on your door for help.

So, if you want to start a new business, consider one of the ideas above. All four of them are great, and can be a source of success!