DC Startup: Hitch An Uber Alternative To Taxicabs VIDEO

We were asked several times at the TechCocktail event Thursday night who our favorite startup was at TechBUZZ earlier in the week. In my opinion it was a three way tie between Syllabuster, Cont3nt and Hitchrides.com Hitchrides.com is another alternative source for transportation in the form of an app. It blends crowdsourcing, social networks and

Uber: Mobile Web App launched for those “other OSes” Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry

Yesterday Uber announced on their blog that they would begin to support Blackberry and Windows Phone 7 devices (and beyond, whatever that means).  With the launch of m.uber.com users of the once dominant and almost relevant Operating Systems can finally take advantage of one of my personal favorite startups. Prior to the mobile app being

With $17 Million In New Funds Hailo May Make It To U.S. Before Uber Gets To London

Private car service app Uber has taken the U.S. by storm in the select markets they are doing business in. You simply download the app and have a car come and get you (in select markets). Across the pond in London there’s another company operating in both London and Dublin, doing the same thing with

Is Your Business Marketing Stuck in the Past?

Marketing has changed markedly over the last few years, with new technologies and media resulting in an industry that is barely recognisable when compared to just a decade or so ago. This places a great deal of pressure on companies to keep up with marketing developments, many of which continue to enter uncharted territory today.

5 Gifts Your Customers Would Love to Receive

Expressing your gratitude at the end of a successful sale to your customers for their trust is an ethical business practice. However, you can add to the significance of a simple ‘thanks’ and make it even more special through small incentives and giveaways that would make a cherry on top and add to your overall

The Anatomy Of A Happy Customer

What’s the most important part of your business? That’s right; the customer. Therefore, going the extra mile to keep them happy is the only logical blueprint for success. But before creating happier customers, you need to know exactly what you’re aiming for. Let’s dissect this crucial element of the business operation to take a closer

The Best Tips For A Successful Partnership

Getting a start-up up and running is pretty hard, no matter who you are or the kind of business you want to build. However, there are certain things you can do to make the whole process easier. One of these things is forming a partnership. When you have a good working partnership with another firm,

How To Launch Your Product With A Bang

Your business is only as good as its flagship product. Where would Apple be without the iPhone? 66% of the company’s entire revenue comes from this one product. Most big corporations work in a similar way. Another thing you’ll learn from Apple is their fantastic ability to launch a product. Launching a product determines how

Don’t Tackle An Elephant Head On

I’ve heard two different philosophies about building a successful company. One school of thought glorifies the idea of “disruption.” These are the Ubers of the world who set out to redefine or create entire industries. Then there are the founders who believe you should watch what works for others and simply recreate it in order

4 Ways to Find the Right Pain Point for Your Startup

I overheard a joke the other day. And while it was, admittedly, a little silly, it did hold a nugget of truth. In the joke, an optimist and a pessimist are arguing over a glass of beer at a bar. “It’s half empty,” says the pessimist. The optimist disagrees, claiming it’s half full. The bartender, annoyed, comes

How to Know if You’re a Born Entrepreneur

My guest  Hana Abaza is the Director of Marketing at Uberflip where she combines a metrics driven approach with an unwavering commitment to creating an exceptional brand experience. Hana has a knack for communicating inspired tech solutions to mainstream audiences and, with over a decade of experience in digital marketing, she gets results. Hana is also an energetic speaker and